if everyone is great, no one is.
it’s good to have non-false idols.
you decide but history is real
if everyone is great, no one is.
it’s good to have non-false idols.
you decide but history is real
we live in hell
intelligence has been subverted.
and it hurts.
but love is ever powerful.
and wisdom wins eventually.
(typically after getting fucking beat to shit/murdered by demonic meat lizard dullards)
They're wraiths, all of them. They aren't people. God knows what they've done with their realities.
make sure your life view is not centered around reactionary contrarian viewpoints with no basis in historical fact, spoken with absolute authority and certainty, to discourage or limit any meaningful discussion.
this is a selfish mode, characterized more by an ego driven, power/domination tactic than a healing-focused approach of mutual understanding and “third-option seeking” conflict resolution. ❤️
the lesson of the beginning of this new millennium should be to not commit to the mask in order to learn healing.
those in charge have lost their minds and hearts. black eyes. they don’t know anything else.
love is real, so is its mask
aim to kill death
lulled to sleep in a peaceful, dreamy way last night, with eyes closed, imagining how i am going to route dust collection for my cnc machine in the basement to cancel noise and be safe. have had very low anxiety and stress related feelings in general (positive job quitting symptom)
the silent reality
the biological importance of a monotheistic way of thinking is to keep consciousness in a state of understanding lower modes without being ruled by them
anti possession
quitting job to focus on health, psyche, art, and future feels liberating in a world of dead content, amnesiac (or numbed) citizens, and profound lack of purpose.
the time is now to commit
fix yourself and make the world better
void eyes
are signs
difference is universal
it’s happening collectively
the ever-morphing hyperborg will assimilate and mutate until people stop allowing the animal to decide.