the longer i sit with myself, the more clear it is that I want to be an artist of ideas first… and this has been extremely difficult to accept - years - because it’s associated with the absolute depravity in my soul -some powerful people use it as an avenue for extreme self worship and this is bad- this must be accepted and fed, not feared, but spoken despite you:::::
(historically abusing our own kind has lead to present civilization trauma reactions//distractions//disassociation// or violent simplification. auto update…//
the collective (sub)(un)conscious is alive, it acts as our only driver.
due to radical individualism in this historical moment, this leads to uncertainty in most of our lives.
it’s existence begins to be forgotten and it’s motivations muddled, or worse, hijacked…
purify the blood in your heart
watch triumph of the will in 2022
war in the age of social media is
s u r r e a l
belly breathing
bc i want this to be honest about who i am and less like an idealized mask of an ideal form, i am going to say here that i have teared up reading and watching previews on elden ring multiple times over the last few weeks, and, tomorrow, am going begin and dedicate a major portion of my life and soul to relishing in what i see as an impossibly perfected and beautiful art by a visionary artist and team.
no need to lose self expression, or love, identity, in order to achieve grand lasting collective selfless goals. we cannot figure out how to be individuals with goals and a collective with goals at the same time. being identity-less is hell, the same as worshiping identity is hell. we are similar in that we are all different, together. real evil is still here, hidden, in ways that are not clear or obvious until uncovered by history, why else would we be so off if not because of this. we must all face the evil in ourselves, speak it, stop it, understand it historically, without fear but remain humble. no one truly gives a shit anymore
authoritarianism is a sneaky bugger
we are hopelessly stupid individuals collectively
enlightenment when? again?
all technique and no soul in this image culture will destroy you
this virus
i will not willingly descend into the part of my being that negates spirit (non-ironic affirmation post)
meet the thing that destroys
without mirroring
deftly integrate, flourishing
without pride,
the nature of your brokenness